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A Brief Overview of the Trans-Caucasus
The U.S. census refers to the white races as Caucasians. It turns out the people who inhabit the
three countries we toured (Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia) looked more
Arab or Persian in western dress, which may be the only thing they have in common. Azerbaijan is Muslim,
but not overly religious. There is no problem drinking beer in public or private. Georgia is very
Christian, the people never pass a church without blessing themselves and the women still cover their
heads when entering a church. Armenia is Christian, but according to a tour guide, after years of
communist rule, the inhabitants are still trying to figure out how to express it. The best of all
differences is that they each speak their own language with its unique alphabet.
This made figuring the name of stops on the metro a challenge.
SIZE: 86,600 sq. kms. or 33,428 sq. mi.
larger than Austria or larger than the state of Maine, but smaller than Indiana
POPULATION: 7.8 million, 1.85 in the capital of Baku
RELIGION: Shia Islam
CURRENCY: Azerbaijan New Manat. US$1.00 = 0.80 AZN
Sample of Azeri writing on a ticket receipt. Not too difficult to make out the characters.
SIZE: 69,700 sq. kms. or 26,904 sq. mi.
smaller than Ireland or larger than the state of West Virginia
POPULATION: 4.7 million, 1.7 in the capital of Tbilisi
LANGUAGE: Kartuli (Georian)
RELIGION: Georgian Orthodaox Church
CURRENCY: Georgian Lari. US$1.00 = 1.83GEL
Sample of Kartuli writing on a bank receipt, with a little Cyrillic and English.
At least the numbers translate.
SIZE: 29,800sq. kms. or 11,503 sq. mi.
smaller than Lesotho or larger than the state of Maryland
POPULATION: 3.2 million, 1.1 in the capital of Yerevan
LANGUAGE: Armenian
RELIGION: Armenian Apostolic Church
CURRENCY: Armenian Dram. US$1.00 = 360AMD
Sample of Armenian text.
Map of the Region
I would like to thank Lonely Planet, History Armenia and many others for information used on this website.